Monday, August 31, 2009

Evaluating the Claims of Evolution vs Creationism Introduction

I've been discussing Intelligent Design with Jorge Villalobos (aka minusfive) and he does not agree with me that there is a God or that Intelligent Design is a viable worldview. He also disagrees that Michael J. Behe is not a credible scientist and rejects his work. He has agree to a series of blog posts to interact. This is a beginning post to which to explain the parameters of this interaction to which I hope he will agree.

Intelligent Design is more than an alternative explanation opposed to Evolution. Intelligent Design also attempts to explain where everything comes from. Therefore it speaks to physics, chemistry, and biology. Evolution is generally considered to be a part of biology. So I suggest that we keep our discussion to how life has changed on earth and not worry about how it began this time. We can do origins later. Jorge, do you concur?

Here are some of the common assumptions that I think that we agree on.
1. There is a design in life we just disagree on how the design got there.
2. That given enough time questions about the mechanics of how life works will be answered. You, Jorge, just believe that macro evolution will be the ultimate answer.
3. We both agree that life on earth has not been constant, but has changed due lifeforms adapting to changing environments. We disagree that those changes lead to one life form to another such as a fish changing into amphibian.

More ground rules
1. A series of 4 weeks of posts, starting Wednesday September 2, 2009. Each cycle would be a week and you can post as many parts as you want. You can quote anyone and anything you want. You can post audio files and video files. Only rule about content is that it must be reference so that anyone can look up the resource themselves.
2. By September 9, 2009 we could post a positive presentation of our viewpoints without referring to the other side. Just what your conclusions are and the evidence for why you have come to those conclusions.
3. By September 16, 2009, we each post our rebuttals to the first week.
4. By September 23, 2009, we each post our rebuttals to the second week.
5. By September 30, 2009, we each post a concluding post .
6. We write with gentleness and respect for each other.

I suggest the the overall topic should be phrased as follows:
Evolution vs Intelligent Design - Which has the best Evidence?

Jorge, if you sgree to these termd please leave a comment here and the url to your blog or tweet the information.
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  1. What a cool idea. I very much look forward to the rest of the dialog. I myself think that Ben Stein did a great job evaluating the question in his documentary "Expelled." I hope the discussions go well!

  2. Funny, I haven't heard anything else from him. Thanks for the comments, Ben.
