Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brennon's Thoughts: Arminianism = Council of Orange

I found a very interesting post about how Arminians see Pelagians. I agree with Brennon that there is no way the two can be literally equated. All Bible-believing Christians agree that a - every human being need salvation through Jesus to avoid going to hell and b - Grace from God is necessary to be saved. There are disagreements but I'm sure all Christians agree with these two points at least. I'd go further on to say that Grace is not just necessary but also sufficient. Pelagians historically assert that humans are so free that Jesus' sacrifice was unnecessary for our salvation. The point is that Pelagianism is definitely a heresy and I'm glad that historically Arminians repudiate it. I was prompted to write this post because Brennon's is so good.

Brennon's Thoughts: Arminianism = Council of Orange

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