Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dr Kent Hovind debates Dr Michael Shermer

Historian of science and Skeptics Society foun...Image via Wikipedia
I enjoyed this debate. Is interesting. I don't agree with Kent Hovind on everything...especially the dragons stuff. But I think he answered Shermer pretty well. I lost all respect for Shermer when he said unicorns are in the Bible. That's an argument you use when you are desperate and don't have anything to stand on. IF he truly thinks that the Bible is trying to say that unicorns exist he not only misses the point of the passage but he also misses the fact that no modern English translations even have the word unicorn in them  because there are better ways to translate the Hebrew word. While I think Hovind makes mistakes in his Biblical interpretation, he is way more spot on than. Shermer.Looking over my blog I realize that Shermer does not come up often. My friend Mariano has a lot on Shermer if you want more information at his blog Atheism is Dead.

Dr Kent Hovind debates Dr Michael Shermer

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  1. Um, you do realize that the Bible does mention unicorns and Hovind actually speaks justifies unicorns in the Bible. Search youtube.

    Also if you think Hovind answered Shermer you need to actually read science. For example, in that debate Hovind was completely wrong about the Second Law of Thermodymanics.

    But what can you expect from a convicted felon and owner of a diploma mill doctorate?

    P.S. Don't call Hovind a "Dr." its insulting to anyone who actually worked for a degree. Just read his "dissertation" that was leaked online. It starts, I kid you not, "Hello, My name is Kent Hovind." That wouldn't fly in a high school English class must less a legitimate/accredited college's Freshman Composition.

  2. Um, u do realize that the word "unicorns" are only in the KJV and in modern translations the word is not used because the Hebrew was not talking about unicorns. And like I said I don't agree with Kent Hovind's understanding of the age of the earth or about unicorns or dragons. Do you really want to argue that the writers of the Old testament were really talking about unicorns and dragons? Right. As for the debate I disagree with the slimy way people get out of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I agree that the 2nd law only applies to closed systems but the universe is not a closed system and decreasing entropy here does decrease the entropy of the universe even if we don't have a way to measure it. If an egg drops off a table and breaks, entropy increased right? If those pieces go back together, we have entropy decreases and we can't find an example of anything like that without adding energy to it.. So u mean to say that some kind of way all kinds of order came out of chaos all by itself without any expense of energy? That is a lot of faith.
