Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm sure many have heard of the Zeitgeist movie. It seeks to make an argument that because of all the corruption in politics in society in efforts to control the world including religion in general and Christianity in particular. It attempts to prove this by discrediting the Bible and Historic Christianity. It accuses Christianity and Bible of plagarizing other ancient traditions and personages. Also they equivocate everything about Jesus with ancient astrology. All lies. Here is the video

Here is the movie:

You can see a lot of problem with this film
1. You can't equate the "sun" with "son"
2. Jesus was not born on December 25
3. I have never seen the winter solstice fall on Dec 25
4. I have never seen the summer solstice fall on Easter
5. Joseph of the Old Testament had 11 brothers not 12

This movie has a lot of problems. A lot of conclusions are made that are not true. If you go and do some research yourself anyone can show that some of the facts in the films are lies. Listen to a real historian's viewpoint.

Here is a critique by historian Dr. Chris Forbes

Zeitgeist: Time to discard the Christian story? from CPX on Vimeo.

found it on YouTube

The truth is that if a person wants to reject Christ and ignore the Word of God...fine. That is their right. I think that it's completely stupid, but be that as it may. However, I have to draw the line at the truth. People don't lie to make themselves feel justified! The truth is if these film makers can get things so messed up concerning Jesus and Christianity, then that casts doubts on the assertions made and "facts" presented about the September 11, 2001 attacks and other terrorist actions.

Update: I did miss commenting on the fact that Forbs mistakenly said Horus did things that Osirus did.  Mary Jo Sharp's comments on her blog  clarify the mistake,. Read her post for more information

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