Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gospel According to "Supernatural" Redux

Supernatural (TV series)
I like them show Supernatural a lot. I like the action and dialogue and even the twists and turns on mythology and legends. Unfortunately, it's take on Christian theology and the Bible is completely wrong.

The show talks about angels almost the same as demons in that angels must interact with reality by possessing a human being - with human consent. Demons don't apparently need permission to possess a human. The problem is that there is no where in scripture that tells us this about angels.

Lucifer made the demons and Lucifer is an angel. The Bible tells us that Lucifer and the demons are all fallen angels.

The show represents the anti-christ as one half-human and half-demon. The show even goes as far as saying the Bible is wrong that the anti-christ is Lucifer's son. No where does the Bible say anything about the anti-christ being half demonic.

Aside from a couple of miracles, the show doesn't address God at all. And Jesus is never mentioned. The show casts God as an absent father who cares nothing about his Children. He makes no intervention as the events of the show gets worse and worse - as if he never existed and even characters - humans, angels, and demons say as much. I think the show's creators are saying important things about free will and how they see who God is. It's a world view that is shared by our culture.

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  1. Oh, you sneak!

    I was working on a post about Supernatural, et al for L&D.

    Do not forget that one angels stated that one 4 angels have seen God and the rest take God's existence on faith.

    Also, some angels argue that God is dead because the world is in a mess.

    They are looking for God but just cannot seem to find Him.

    Oi vey! My main point is that if they want to created an imaginary world with an imaginary theology; fine, but why base it on Judeo-Christian theology and then pervert it so badly?

    Also, this is one of many shows in which the good guys use the occult to fight the occult--odd indeed.


  2. I can't wait to read your post. You really did point out those great points. I wish the theology wasn't so bad. I think they got the idea of the four angels - Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and the fourth I can't remember being the angels closest to God from Catholicism. I admit though I still wanna see where the show goes next.
