Thursday, October 20, 2011

William Lane Craig vs. Stephen Law: Does God Exist? - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten has provided a link to the William Lane Craig vs Stephen Law debate. The Debate was October 17, 2011 if I understand correctly.

William Lane Craig vs. Stephen Law: Does God Exist? - Apologetics 315

I was real disappointed with Dr Stephen Law's performance. I was hoping for more. Instead he bases his entire argument on the problem of evil and argued that there is no more evidence for a good God than an evil God.  and didn't really answer any of Craig's arguments.  They seemed like they went in circles and no matter what Craig said, Law would not step into the circle and interact with most of what Craig was saying. However Craig went after Law's arguments. Well, although I think Law lost this debate, at least he has more courage than Richard Dawkins seems to.


There is a  blog post that uses animation to map "the whole of the debate in argument form, to give a more intuitive way of seeing how all the arguments and objections interact." It is really cool! Get it at the following link:

Stephen Law vs. William Lane Craig Debate: Argument map
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1 comment:

  1. Here's a better analysis and recap of the debate. Note it doesn't correspond to your version at all.
