Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is there a Connection Between Jesus and Krishna

I'm going to keep this short. In some of the objections to Jesus I have been running into I have been pointed to Kersey Graves's book Sixteen Crucified Saviors for examples of deities, myths, and legends from which Jesus is plagiarized. One of the deities Graves offers in Krishna. Instead of refuting all of his parallels to Jesus point by point, I want to talk about the most important: Graves and others allege that Jesus's crucifixion is stolen from the story of Krishna. Here is a summary quote:

Skeptics sometimes cite Kersey Graves in Sixteen Crucified Saviors or Godfrey Higgins' Anacalypsis (which Graves drew from) in asserting that Krishna was a crucified deity. No such event occurred in the Gita or in any recognized Hindu scripture. Given the pronounced syncretic tendency of Hinduism, it is safe to assume that any odd tales of Krishna's being crucified arose only after the existence of Christian proselytism, in imitation of the Christian narrative. It is neither authentic to Hinduism nor is Hinduism the source of that portion of the Christian narrative. The same may be said for most of the purported nativity stories. In my opinion, both Higgins and Graves are highly unreliable sources and should be ignored.

All references and picture depicting Krishna being crucified are after Christian missionaries began working in India! Hinduism borrowed crucifixion from Christianity not the other way around.

Krishna - Wikipedia
The Krishna and Christian Jesus Parallels
Jesus as a Reincarnation of Krishna
Was the story of Jesus stolen from that of the Hindu deity Krishna?

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  1. Do you happen to have more details about Hinduism having borrowed crucifixion from Christianity? I mean, the references and pictures you mentioned - any links, researches, etc.

  2. I'd be surprized if the silly stories of christians could infiltrate into the beautiful realm of Krishna.
    Anyway, all the religions steal from each other, nothing new.
