Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Answering - The Secular Outpost: 20+ Questions for Theists #1

John Loftus has posted a link to a  list of questions for theists from another blog. Rather than answer all of them in a single post, I will take each of them one at a time. Today:

1. Why is the physical universe so unimaginably large?

No human being has a definitive answer to this question. We don't know.  It's size is beyond human comprehension but just because it's outside of our cognitive limitations - and growing - doesn't mean it's beyond he who created it.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? - Isaiah 40:12

Rhetorical questions. Has to be God alone.It's an interesting question but answering it or not being answered has nothing to do with God's existence.

The Secular Outpost: 20+ Questions for Theists
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  1. It's size is beyond human comprehension but just because it's outside of our cognitive limitations - and growing - doesn't mean it's beyond he who created it.

    Certainly not. But it is a good argument against "special creation".

    You have a way of missing the point...

  2. So you think that if God created us, you would have expected that God would have made us so that we could comprehend the size of the universe? I have no idea why that would be necessary or why this would be a good argument.

  3. Great question by Loftus.
    It reminded me of when one base pair in one DNA strand in one cell at the tip of one of my pinky toes asked the same thing about the rest of my body.
