Personal blog that will cover my personal interests. I write about Christian Theology and Apologetics, politics, culture, science, and literature.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Black Comic Characters - Storm
Storm is one of the greatest characters – black, female, or otherwise. She is a member of the X-Men. She is a mutant – meaning she was born with her superpowers. Her powers happen to be rather incredible. She can control the weather. There is no scientific explanation that I can offer for how such a genetic mutation can give a human being the power to control the weather, but the idea is kind of interesting to me. She has a kind of personality that is quite interesting. She is very fleshed out in the comic books and in the cartoons. You get to see where she came from, why she joined the X-Men, and why she continues to fight. She was born in Africa and worshipped as a Goddess for a time. Some of what was most interesting stories explored how that had to shape her. Amazingly she doesn’t seem to be proud or haughty. She treats everyone the same and has become a great leader. Unfortunately she isn’t fleshed out the same in the live-action movies. She is important that is why she is in the movies but she doesn’t have a whole lot of lines or character development and I think that it is sad. I admit that in terms of theology, aside from the morality she represents, there is very little of God seen in the character. She is easily one of the most powerful members of the X-Men and is often called upon when they really need a "big gun". What I mean by Morality is that she has embrace the idea that all humans - mutant and normals can be a brothers and sisters and protecting others even if those she is protecting hate her. A very Christian attitude.
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