Friday, October 17, 2008

Al Smith 2008 Dinner

Every President since 1960 has spoken at the dinner ceremony commemorating the life of Al Smith, former governor of New York and former candidate for President of the United States. The idea is to take a humorous look at politics in America. This year both John McCain and Barak Obama jointly gave keynote addresses on October 16, 2008. To be honest, I laughed at both of their jokes. I have heard comments that Obama was stiff and McCain was comfortable and extremely funny. As I watched them at the dinner, I contrasted them with how they performed on Wednesday's debate. They switched places. During the debates, Obama was confident, strong, and debates very well. McCain looked uncomfortable and out of place. He lost composure at times. But during the dinner Obama did not look comfortable and McCain was very comfortable poking fun at himself, Obama, and our society. He was great. Obama was also funny but it did not come off as well. The question is do you think being entertaining is part of the job description for President? I'm trying to elect the best President not Jester. It seems to me that this underscores the difference between the 2 men even more. Here is a transcript.
Check out the videos below.



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