Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pushing Homosexuality In California Schools

My sister-in-law sent me an e-mail today that really hit home for me today. I'm the father of two now and my children will be entering into California public schools soon and I have now heard of a SB 572 which is a law that may possibly pass in California. Here is the contents of the e-mail.

For those we don't like the read all the info. The main issue in this:

California parents don't want and children don't need "Harvey Milk Day." There's a big difference between a movie and school "exercises." People voluntarily go to a movie, perhaps even to see "Milk" starring Sean Penn. Yet under SB 572, children CANNOT be excused and it will be MANDATORY for them to participate in pro-homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality "exercises" under SB 572. For there is no explicit parental opt-out in the bill. For this reason alone , SB 572 should be defeated.
Here is the article:

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Protect children from "Harvey Milk Day" in California public schools
Action Alert: Oppose the pro-gay "commemorative exercises" of SB 572

Children are already being indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle in government schools, but a new bill in the California Legislature would make things much worse.
SB 572 by homosexual activist state senator Mark Leno of San Francisco, a Democrat, would create an official "gay day" called Harvey Milk Day. It would be pushed on every California government school, affecting children as young as kindergarten.

1. EMAIL: Use's Email Lobbying System right now to send a pre-written message opposing SB 572 to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and your California state legislators.

2. PHONE: All day Tuesday, call the 6 Democrats and 3 Republicans on the Senate Education Committee to urge them to oppose SB 572. The committee will hear and vote on SB 572 this Wednesday, May 6 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 4203 of the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Six Democrats who all support the homosexual agenda
Gloria Romero of East Los Angeles (916) 651-4024
Elaine Alquist of San Jose / Gilroy (916) 651-4013
Loni Hancock of Alameda County (916) 651-4009
Carol Liu of Pasadena / Glendale / San Gabriel Valley (916) 651-4021
Alex Padilla of L.A.'s San Fernando Valley (916) 651-4020
Joe Simitian of Palo Alto / Santa Cruz (916) 651-4011
Three Republicans who generally vote pro-family
Bob Huff of Glendora / Yorba Linda (916) 651-4029
Abel Maldonado of Santa Maria / San Jose (916) 651-4015
Mark Wyland of20Carlsbad / San Juan Capistrano (916) 651-4038

California's liberal "Republican" Governor
Call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to urge him to veto SB 572 if it reaches his desk. Tell him, "I want you to oppose Harvey Milk Gay Day in public schools like you did last year. This bill takes away from academics, parents don't want it, and children don't need it. Veto SB 572." Call the Governor to leave a message at (916) 445-2841.

SB 572 pressures public schools -- from kindergarten on up -- to perform "suitable commemorative exercises" promoting what homosexual activist Harvey Milk believed in: the entire homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda and anti-religious values.
Unfortunately, there is no definition or limit to the "exercises" the bill would make students do every May 22, which SB 572 would label "Harvey Milk Day."
If SB 572 becomes law, schoolchildren would have positively portrayed to them homosexual experimentation, homosexual "marriages," sex-change operations, and anything else that's "in the closet." Like he did last year, Governor Schwarzenegger should veto this very inappropriate bill, which has nothing to do with academic excellence.
The text of20SB 572 states that "On Harvey Milk Day, exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk and recognizing his accomplishments as well as the contributions he made to this state" should be conducted; specifically, "all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe...and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises."
How will children in government schools be taught and how will children's minds be "exercised" under SB 572? The answer is children will be taught to remember, recognize and commemorate whatever Harvey Milk believed or is said to have believed, such as:
  • Religion is DANGEROUS: "More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion." (Harvey Milk, speaking at a homosexual rally in 1978.)
  • All doors of sexual experimentation MUST be opened: "If a bullet should go through my head let that bullet go through every closet door." (Harvey Milk quote)
  • If you think you might be homosexual, you MUST declare yourself gay or lesbian: "Milk believed strongly that coming out was the responsibility of every gay man and woman." (Source)
  • Gay and lesbian "marriages" are good and natural: "So much of the spirit represented with the Supreme Court's decision last week is the spirit of Harvey Milk and his legacy manifesting today in real change." (San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom on the unveiling of a bust of Harvey Milk at city hall, May 28, 2008. (Source)
Harvey Milk may be popular in San Francisco and West Hollywood, but he is not popular or admired by most California parents who want healthy sexual boundaries for their children and don't want the tearing down of every sexual boundary and standard like Harvey Milk did. Children belong to their parents, not to the state!
California parents don't want and children don't need "Harvey Milk Day." There's a big difference between a movie and school "exercises." People voluntarily go to a movie, perhaps even to see "Milk" starring Sean Penn. Yet under SB 572, children CANNOT be excused and it will be MANDATORY for them to participate in pro-homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality "exercises" under SB 572. For there is no explicit parental opt-out in the bill. For this reason alone , SB 572 should be defeated.
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:6 NIV

Okay, in light of how I am sure that it's politically incorrect to criticize the pro-homosexual agenda rampant in our culture today without offending people, let me be clear: I don't care. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. I admit that on anatomical and Biblical grounds, I disagree with Homosexuality as a life-style and I am offended at this transparent attempt to socialize my children to think that homosexuality is a viable life-style. For that is what SB 572 is: a blatant attempt to force acceptance of homosexuality. Get the children, and you can turn all pf society. Telling me that my children have to learn about the homosexual lifestyle is not right. Why does a child need to learn about that? Mine don't. As their father, I should have a say of when they learn about sex. Forcing that on my family and Californian families is wrong and we can't let that happen. We are not even being given the option to VOTE on this. They are going to try to force it down our throats. I urge everyone to send e-mails and make phone calls our representatives to tell them we do not want this.

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