Wednesday, July 8, 2009

No Whining!

Remember how recently Sarah Palin has decried the way the media has been dealing with covering her and her family. I agree that it sucks. It's not right. It's interesting to hear her comments regarding Hilary Clinton when she made much the same comments complaining about the media.

And for fun: Hitler Finds Out Sarah Palin Resigns


  1. Palin is a wuss!
    all Presidential and vice-presidential candidates endure harsh scrutiny. she was not ready for prime time, at the very least. the media only "attacked" her because she kept making a fool of herself.
    she is beloved by her fans to the point that she might stand a chance if she would just lay low and do a little study before she comes out and starts talking. she can't do that because she is power-hungry and self-centered. she needs to go somewhere and get centered, because if she keeps talking, they are gonna keep wearing her silly behind out.

  2. I think you are right. One thing is for sure is that I will not vote for her.
