Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Librarians Refuse to Lend 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' to 11-Year-Old, Call It 'Porn'

The League of Extraordinary GentlemenImage via Wikipedia
I just read an article about librarians being fired over not allowing an 11 year-old girl checkout The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novel.

Here's how a local news station, WTVQ, described the incident:

Beth Bovaire worked at Jessamine County Public Library up until a month ago. She and Sharon Cook worked as librarians- the two were fired last month when they say they didn't allow a child check out a book from the league of extraordinary gentleman series.

"My friend Sharon had brought it to me on Wednesday, and she said 'look at this book it's filthy and it's on hold for an 11 year old girl,' and I said well okay, lets take it off hold."

The Jessamine County Library director says it's against their policy to speak about employee terminations but he did give me a copy of their policy and it clearly states the responsibilities of the child's reading must lye with the parents and not with the library.

The women say the books contain lewd pictures of men and women in sexual situations that are inappropriate for children.

I think it may be because of my age, but I see nothing pornographic about the book. It is no more risque than anything rated PG-13 today. Believe me, Alan Moore has written far kinkier stuff (Watchmen)! I think that this is an example of censorship in ignorance. The story for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
is about all the greatest adventure and fantasy characters of late 19th century British Literature teaming up to save the world as a superhero team! I think it's a brilliant premise. I mean to name a few: Captain Nemo (20,0000 Leagues Under The Sea), Alan Quartermain, Dr Jekell, the Invisible Man, Dorian Gray, and other characters teaming up is exciting! Don't these "educators" want young people exposed to these characters. This could help inspire young people to seek out the original stories!

Librarians Refuse to Lend 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' to 11-Year-Old, Call It 'Porn'

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1 comment:

  1. very good, very good!
    i agree with you 100%.

    an 11-year-old that WANTS to read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen needs to be rewarded, not hassled. the tone of the book is consistent with that of most of the books kids are encouraged to read.
