Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Jewish / Judaism : “Let us reason together”

 Mariano, has written a great article as whether a person can be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. I'm forced to point out that all the early Christians were Jews. Jesus is Jewish! By definition Judaism and Christianity cannot be mutually exclusive. Mariano also gave us a link to a resource that I never knew existed: a video containing the testimonies of  Jewish survivals of the Nazi Holocaust who later became Christians. They talk about why the know Jesus is the Messiah that humanity is waiting for!  Check out his article!

Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Jewish / Judaism : “Let us reason together”
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  1. Actually, the definitive essay on being Jewish and Christian at the same time is here.

    Thanks again and again and again Marcus!

