Sunday, March 7, 2010

Atheist Liberals More Intelligent than Religious Conservatives, Say Scientists

A little while ago I came across an article hypothesizing that Atheists Liberals are more intelligent than religious conservatives using IQ Tests!

From the article: “Religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

Young adults who identify themselves as "not at all religious" have an average IQ of 103 during adolescence, while those who identify themselves as "very religious" have an average IQ of 97 during adolescence.”

I took three IQ Tests when I was 17-18 years old. My highest score was 114...100 was supposed to be average. IQ tests prove nothing but how close you can think like the person who made the test. I also think that the article makes no sense. The article is wrong. Half of the population is neither Atheistic nor Liberal. The thought that some people are unable to believe agrees with the Bible. It is also funny to see atheists trying to account for religion from the standpoint of evolution and then trying to argue that more people don't believe because we are evolving. Really pathetic. I have yet to see any understanding or evidence for a genetic mutation affecting how people's minds work.

Atheist Liberals More Intelligent than Religious Conservatives, Say Scientists
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  1. well, I have a 133 IQ, and I'm liberal and Christian, so how does that fit with the results?

    I don't even pay attention when stuff like this comes out. It's laughable, self-serving pop-science. People want these results, so when they find numbers they like, they run with it.

    I have heard most Atheists struggle to argue that believing in God is unnatural (a learned, socialized trait), so now they are going to be happy to know they are just the only ones smart enough to go against nature.


  2. is stupid. But it does from time-to-time become necessary to point out the stupidity because there are really self-deluded people who think this way.
