Friday, March 12, 2010

Debate: Christianity Good for the World? - D'Souza vs Shermer

I recently watched a debate between Dinesh D'Souza and Michael Shermer. I was great! The debate topics was "Is Christianity Good for the World?" Shermer tried to apply all of arguments to religion in general, basically handing the debate to Dinesh on a platter. I though D'Souza did an awesome job going after Shermer and pressing him on key points. In effect neither of their arguments were new, but always interesting. Morality and it's source always comes up in discussions such as these. Shermer and the like-minded are ready to equivocate problems with accepting homosexuality with slavery, racism, and sexism as backward ideas that need to be rejected. The thing is the Bible never condones slavery, racism, or sexism...and the fact that we as a society reject these repugnant evils now means that we are now more in line with what the Bible says more than that now we are doing better than the Bible. Shermer cries out that he doesn't see anything wrong with homosexuality or gay marriage. He doesn't see the harm. Duh! That is why we need God to tell us what is right and what is wrong because we can't see the big picture.

I was particularly offended when Shermer said that Christians reject homosexuality because of only one Biblical passage and refused correction saying that it doesn't matter. Those other passages explain why gay marriage is harmful and why we need to avoid homosexuality for own good. Dinesh did not get a chance to address this fully because I believe he was trying to avoid being side tracked.

Is Christianity Good for the World? Part 1
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