Thursday, February 23, 2012

Answering Muslims: Sharia Alert: Pennsylvania Judge Dismisses Charges against Muslim Who Assaulted Atheist

Remember the case of the Muslem in Pennsylvania who assaulted an atheist who was dressed as "zombie" Muhammad? Well "justice" has been served. The Muslim will not be punished.
David Wood observed:

Judge Mark Martin dismissed charges against a Muslim named Talaag Elbayomy, who physically attacked an atheist dressed as Muhammad. In ruling against the atheist, Judge Martin sent a double message: (1) criticism of Muhammad will not be tolerated, and (2) assaulting critics of Muhammad will be tolerate.

I think that this is sad and truly a step backward. This is America. You have the right to say almost anything you want - even if it's offensive and stupid. If religious people have the right to express their beliefs than so should atheists have the same right - despite them being wrong.

Answering Muslims: Sharia Alert: Pennsylvania Judge Dismisses Charges against Muslim Who Assaulted Atheist
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1 comment:

  1. For a non delusional analysis:
