Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pangea - Biblical Evidence

I'm not sure how much anyone really stops to consider how much the Bible and science really line up. A lot of people think that there is only geological "evidence" of evolution and in no way do geology supports anything in the Bible. Of course this is wrong. Ever looked at the Atlantic Coasts of the African and South American continents? They look like fit together like pieces of a puzzle because they do. Genesis 1:9-10 says:

And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.

From this verse we notice what seems to be a contradiction. The Bible says all the seas were gathered in one place and so was dry ground. Today we know that this is not the case. We have six continents completely surrounded by water. I don't include Europe as a single continent because it's not surrounded by water. Therefore either the Bible is wrong or at one time all the continents were actually one continent and some how they broke apart into separate pieces and moved into their present positions. Crazy? For years some folks thought it was crazy. The answer to the puzzle is amazing. We have a scientific that has been around for many, many years: Platetechtonics (see picture on the right). Our planet is not static at all. The land masses are sitting on a molten rock and they surf the surface of it like surf boards on water. The original continent referred to as "Pangea" (a possible picture is on the left) broke up into separate pieces and moved apart from one another. Today these land masses are still moving. When one techtonic plate hits another or moves pass another we get earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes. For example, I live in California. The reason why we have earthquakes is that almost half of California is on the Pacific Ocean plate and the other is on the North American plate. Where the two plates meet, is where the San Andreas fault is. It almost runs the entire length of the state. The plates are slipping past one another. When the plates move relative to one another. we have eathquakes and the distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco is actually getting smaller very, very slower. When we have large, powerful earthquakes, earthquake faults move a lot and very quickly - an inch is a far distance for a fault to move. It is important to also realize that what seems like contiguous plates are not. For example the North American plate, has other faults and fissures. For example, both the Mississippi River and New York City sit on faults...they just haven't moved in centuries. This means that when they do move they will be large and destructive earthquakes. I've heard that the last time there was a major eathquake in the vicinity of the Mississippi River, the river flowed backwards! Also India is sometimes called a "sub-continent" because it's on a different plate than Asia. At one point that plate hit the Eurasian plate and thus creating the Himalayan mountain range. And the Pacific plate and the North America plate colliding created the Rocky Mountain rage.

I know what some people my choose to argue: If here were people on the earth at the time that Pangea broke up, why doesn't the Bible mention it? The Bible does in Genesis 10:25 which says

Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

In Hebrew the word translated divided is related to the name "Peleg".I believe that when the Bible mentions that "the earth was divided" its is referring to the super continent began splitting into multiple continents. There is no reason to think that continental drift has ever moved faster than it does today but there is no reason to think that it could not move quickly. The continents are still moving. the Atlantic Ocean is getting bigger and the Pacific is getting smaller...almost immeasureably slowly. Below is a graphic of what some scientist think the break up of Pangea may have looked like if you sped it up and looked at it from orbit.

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