Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is America A Christian Nation?

I came across this video on YouTube that I must not let pass by without comment. The video was posted by well-meaning individual to support Barack Obama against Fox News. I thought Fox would clean up its act and stop making clumsy and stupid attacks against Obamas but no dice. "Fair and Balanced"? Must be some form of sarcasm that I missed! This particular news cast was obviously to call into question Obama's commitment to Christianity. To arouse the anger of Christians in America. I think the video is correct in calling Fox into question but we can't throw the whole argument "under the Bus". What does it mean to be a "Christian" nation? This is what we must ask.

Let's give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Let's assume that he's not the anti-Christ bent on world domination and casting off all religions and uniting all of humanity in worshipping him. I think the majority of "Christians"...even the racist ones...have to concede that we don't have enough info to make such accusations. Okay, given that I have to side with the video author in interpreting Obama's words as saying that America is not backing any one particular religion because we have "separation of church and state." On the surface many Americans embrace this rhetoric as a good thing! But as a Christian...your religion isn't just something you do on Sunday/'s a life-long, 24 hour, committed lifestyle! If you truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God and you line up your life with it, how can you say that your nation is a Christian nation. Take a look at the video.

As for actually answering the question: Is the United States A Christian Nation? If you define a "Christian Nation" as one that follows the Bible and seeks to be a model of Jesus' kingdom on earth, then I would have to answer "No" and go as far as saying it never really was. Can we call a nation that legalizes abortion and is on the cusp of legalizing homosexual marriages following God's will? Not to mention all the other evil sins our nation does and has done. And don't forget that when John Adams was President slavery was legal. When he said that the US was not founded on a particular religion he was right. Adams was a Mason and Deist. Remember a deist is someone who believes that there is a God who created everything and set reality in motion but no longer intervenes or interact with what was created. Some Deists even go as far as saying that God is not even a personal being but more like an impersonal not-being - just a force with no thought or feeling. This is almost about as far from Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic as you get!

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