Friday, May 15, 2009

Islam Rising

I have recently heard about a couple of videos that Benny Hinn is telling his students in his school of ministry to share with family and friends. They are interesting but at the same time they will draw criticism because people will think that it paints Islam as an evil empire bent on world congress.

This particular video presents information that I was already aware of. Christianity is not just a religion its ingrained in Western Culture. This means that Islamic nations are going to be in conflict. There is no other way around it. The video presents the coming challenges from the fact that Islamic immigrants are over-running the Christian populations of the west as a war but I prefer to see it as an opportunity for evangelism. Muhammad (us) will not or cannot go to the mountain (Muslims) so God is bringing the mountain to Muhammad - to butcher an aphormism.

I'm tempted to say that subtitled video is an overstatement, however there really are people in this world who think this way. Historically, Muslims are inclusive and tolerant when they are the minority. But when they are the powerful majority they take over and force their viewpoints on other people. Historical fact. It's what people do, but not what God tells us in the Bible to do. However it is what the Koran tells them to do. We have a grace period in America...I think Europe may be too far down the rabbit hole to come back. In America, we can still reason with the Muslims among us and dialogue. We can still talk. I think most Western Muslims do not see themselves as needing to destroy us. There is that powerful minority that define themselves by hating us and Christianity. I thank God that we can still witness and talk to the reasonable Muslims.

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