Tuesday, February 23, 2010

YouTube - Does The Fossil Record Support Evolution?

This was an interesting video tweeted to me in order to support the idea that the fossil record supports macro evolution. It's shocking to me how many people assume that if you disagree with evolution you don't understand what it is. This video does not present any new information for me but it does try an analogy that I haven't seen used before. The video equates the fossil record to a family photo album. I like the analogy. I also am amazed that at one point it's asserted that "transitional forms" are not animals that are half one thing and half another. Like the fact that we are not expecting there is not going to be a half crocodile and a half duck we can agree on. However later in the video transitional forms are suggested to have been found and cataloged. They are defined as animals that fill in gaps between animals as a common ancestor. Such literature holds that dolphins and hippos have a common ancestor. However they also agree that dolphins and lettuce have a common ancestor if you go back far enough. The analogy in the video is that each ancestor is only slightly different and those differences accumulate to major differences like running on four legs versus swimming. This is why the family album breaks down. All humans on it will only be slightly different and will be human. Does that make sense that there should be nonhuman characteristics represented in the Album without inferring ancestors to fill in the gaps. It's like claiming to be a descendant of Ghengis Khan yet not having a single mongol ancestor.

YouTube - Does The Fossil Record Support Evolution?

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  1. Remember that as per Dawkins; if you doubt, even doubt, that humans are related to bananas and turnips you are to be likened to a Holocaust denier.


  2. Yes, sometime I wonder if Dawkins ever listens to himself
