Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Unbelievable? 6 Mar 2010 - Debate: Which is more trustworthy - The Bible or Koran?

James White had a very debate with Muslim Adnan Rashid. They debated which is more reliable: the Bible or the Qur'an? James White did a great job summarizing textual transmission of the Bible. Rashid disagreed on how White talked about how the Qur'an came to us. I've heard other scholars agree with White's presentation. Rashid seemed to lean heavily on the work and conclusions of Bart Ehrman and he never really did refute White's explanation about why Ehrman's conclusions is wrong. In fact he used the same defense White used for the Bible to defend the textual integrity of the Qur'an.

I find it interesting that Rashid ends up seeming to put the Gospel of Thomas as more authoritative than the four gospels. White explains how different the Gospel of Thomas is from the rest of the Gospels. It does not belong with the rest of the Gospels. Adnan seems more than willing to agree with the Qur'an that Jesus did not die because of crucifixion yet agree that history says that Jesus did die by crucifixion. He also tried to make it seem like Bruce M. Metzger agreed that the New Testament is unreliable. The man did not believe that. This is a great discussion.

Here is the information about the podcast containing the discussion.
James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries is on the show this week and next defending the Christian faith.  Today he argues the Bible is historically more reliable than the Koran.
Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute argues for the Koran and criticises the transmission of Biblical writings.
How were both scriptures written and passed on?  Among other things the Koran and Bible disagree on an important event - Jesus' crucifixion.  So which should we trust?
For James White visit
For Adnan Rashid visit
For more Christian and non-Christian debate visit get the MP3 podcast or Via Itunes

You can listen to the podcast here

Here is a video James White made regarding Adnan Rashid arguments against the New Testament.

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