Friday, December 19, 2008

Update: Obama Picked Rick Warren to Participate in Inauguration

Barack Obama has come under fire for inviting Pastor Rick Warren to speak during the inauguration. Warren will be delivering the Invocation. I am amazed at how the same people who will accuse Christians of being intolerant and close-minded are so violently opposed against the Christian worldview. People who are for gay marriage are infuriated that Warren will be allowed to speak because Warren is against gay marriage and abortion. Why would that be? If America is supposed to provide freedom of expression, then why can't people like Warren be allowed to speak? Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean you should shut up. They act like they can't stand to hear anything contrary to what they have convinced themselves is right. Chances are he would not even bring up either abortion or gay marriage during the would be inappropriate in that context.

Thankfully, I like to see that Obama is not going to let these "supporters" push him around. I foound an article online in which he defended his decision. In a calm, well-reasoned manner he told them how it was going to be and that he was going to remain consistent.

Obama replied, "let me start by talking about my own views. I think that it is no secret that I am a fierce advocate for equality for gay and lesbian Americans. It is something that I have been consistent on, and something that I contend -- intend to continue to be consistent on during my presidency.

What I've also said is that it is important for America to come together, even though we may have disagreements on certain social issues. And I would note that a couple of years ago, I was invited to Rick Warren's church to speak, despite his awareness that I held views that were entirely contrary to his when it came to gay and lesbian rights, when it came to issues like abortion. Nevertheless, I had an opportunity to speak. And that dialogue, I think, is part of what my campaign's been all about; that we're not going to agree on every single issue, but what we have to do is to be able to create an atmosphere when we -- where we can disagree without being disagreeable and then focus on those things that we hold in common as Americans.

"So Rick Warren has been invited to speak. Dr. Joseph Lowery, who has deeply contrasting views to Rick Warren on a whole host of issues, is also speaking. During the course of the entire inaugural festivities, there are going to be a wide range of viewpoints that are presented. And that's how it should be, because that's what America's about. That's part of the magic of this country, is that we are diverse and noisy and opinionated. And so, you know, that's the spirit in which, you know, we have put together what I think will be a terrific inauguration. And that's, hopefully, going to be a spirit that carries over into my administration."

After I read this, I gained even more respect for the man. We need someone to regain credibility and honor for the office of the President of the United States. Looks like Barack Obama is off to a good start.

Here is a video of the above comments:

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