Sunday, May 2, 2010

Homosexuality, Christianity, the Bible, Larry King, Jennifer Knapp, Ted Haggard and Bob Botsford, part 1 | True Freethinker

CNN controversiesImage via Wikipedia
Mariano has posted a transcript that shows the controversy of homosexuality in the Christian church.  Here is introduction.
An interesting conversation took place between Larry King, Jennifer Knapp, Ted Haggard and Bob Botsford on CNN’s Larry King Live (April 23, 2010) on a show titled, “Christian Singer Comes Out As Lesbian.”
You can read the transcript and Mariano's comments on his blob. It's extremely important.

Homosexuality, Christianity, the Bible, Larry King, Jennifer Knapp, Ted Haggard and Bob Botsford, part 1 | True Freethinker
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post about Jennifer's coming out. I've written a great deal on the matter here:
